SGF – Il Blog a gentile richiesta riceve e pubblica.

Dal Vicepresidente Internazionale di HERITAGE CALABRIA, Dott. François Xavier Nicoletti.

François Xavier Nicoletti

52 Route De Florisant





 Spett.le SILA TV

alla C.A. del Redattore Capo

87055 San Govanni in Fiore (CS)


 Egregi Signori,

 in riferimento al Vs servizio concernente la visita della Delegazione Universitaria del West Virginia presso il Palazzo della Provincia di Cosenza, su invito del Presidente Mario Oliverio, devo, mio malgrado, informarVi che quanto a Voi comunicato dall’Ufficio stampa della Provincia e da Voi trasmesso in Tv, anche via internent, non corrisponde a verità ma ad un’ingiusta strumentalizzazione, per motivi elettorali, la campagna delle amministrative di San Giovanni in Fiore.

Purtroppo non è servito a nulla … il popolo di San Giovanni avendo DEFINITIVAMENTE deciso di intraprendere un altro destino!

Di ritorno da Ginevra ho trovato, nella mia posta elettronica, il messaggio chiaro e senza equivoci possibili, che l’Università del West Virginia mi ha inviato.

Ve ne allego copia, per Vs informazione e per premetterVi di informare i Vs telespettatori.

Vi confermo, inoltre, che l’On.le Mario Oliverio è totalmente estraneo all’operato intrapreso dall’Associazione Heritage Calabria in West Virginia che ha visto la realizzazione del: a) Gemellaggio Calabria West Viriginia; b) Gemellaggio San Giovanni in Fiore – Clamburg; c) Accordo Università Fairmont State – Unical, per lo scambio di studenti e definizione di accordi di collaborazione di vario tipo, conclusasi, totalmente, con l’inagurazione della Statua della Madre di Monongah.

Converrete, quindi, che quanto da Voi trasmesso in televisione doveva, quanto meno, essere oggetto di verifica perchè, come sapete, l’ufficio Stampa della Provincia comunica quanto il “Padre Padrone” vuole che si sappia in pubblico, per motivi che non rispecchiano la verità.

La lettera allegata è in lingua inglese e la sua traduzione in lingua italiana non dovrebbe presentare difficoltà di nessun genere.

Vi ho inviato questa mia nota unitamente al messaggio ricevuto, perchè ho sempre rispettato il diritto che ognuno di noi ha di difendere la verità ed amarla e proteggere.

         Con i miei sentiti saluti.

         François Xavier Nicoletti.



Lettera di ringraziamento della Delegazione Universitaria del West Virginia, USA



May 9, 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

 Dear Francois,


            It has been almost a month since our successful recruitment journey to Calabria. Thank you for the role you played and most of all for your great hospitality. We were honored to cut the ribbon for the inauguration of the “Casette degli Emigrati” that “Heritage Calabria” so kindly now provides to Italian-Americans who want to trace their heritage roots back to Calabria. We also want to thank you for organizing the beautiful trip to the high school in Palmi, R.C., where we attended the language conference and met the students, in addition to your presence during our visitations to several high schools in San Giovanni. Moreover, we greatly appreciated and enjoyed the invitation to your lovely home for espresso and desserts. After our fond visit to San Giovanni in Fiore, we continued to Paola with our former University of Calabria (UNICAL) exchange students where everyone welcomed us at the Mass on Palm Sunday. Lastly, our recruitment efforts ended with two successful meetings with officials at the University of Calabria where we solidified the continuation of our student exchange program.

 Thank you for the wonderful idea that you helped to conceive four years ago to do the “Gemellaggio” between Calabria and West Virginia, and the sister cities of San Giovanni in Fiore and Clarksburg. Because of your foresight, these ties are becoming even stronger, culturally and socially, especially our foreign exchange program that has grown between our sister universities of UNICAL and Fairmont State, along with the language and cultural camps for the Liceo Scientifico and Liceo Classico of San Giovanni in Fiore. 

            Because of these educational endeavors, a great interest has also developed for the teaching and learning of the Italian language, which we refer to as our “Heritage Language,” along with the Italian culture, history, music, folklore, and the arts. Today, everyone of Italian descent has a great passion to embrace his or her own Italian roots and “all things Italian.”  The Calabria-West Virginia Italian Heritage Association, as a branch of Heritage Calabria, along with The Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center salute your vision and inspiration. We look forward to continuing our great collaborations with your leadership.  


Our Best,

Dr. Judy P. Byers, Director and Professor

Michael Belmear, Vice President of Student Affairs, FSU

Rose A. Mazza, Professor of Italian and Spanish  

SGF – Il Blog a gentile richiesta riceve e pubblica.ultima modifica: 2011-06-10T12:00:00+02:00da
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